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Adventures at the Burger King Drive Thru

I was in the drive thru at Burger king the other day. I had this nagging thought I should pay for the lady behind me. I have never done this before. The line was pretty long and I tried to talk myself out of it. I told myself "she is driving a nice car, she probably doesn't need help". I told myself, "you just retired and money is tight". The thought would not go away so when I arrived at the payment window I told the employee that I wanted to pay for the person behind me. Turns out the person behind me had only a $3 order. I paid for my food and her tiny order and drove on to the pick up window. I looked in the rearview mirror and I saw the lady behind me hand over her debit card. I told the employee at the pick up window that I had paid for the person behind me and yet I saw her paying. She looked at her computer screen of orders. She smiled and said "oh, she is paying for the person behind her, looks like you started something"!

Maybe I wasn't helping the lady behind me financially but I was motivating her to do something for the person behind her! I love when God works in mysterious ways. Just when I think I have God figured out......

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