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Bad Habits

Wow have I gotten into some BAD habits! I can easily justify these bad habits because of cancer treatment but they have to STOP!

I have not been exercising except for short walks outside or 15 minute "strolls" in the house. My 2 year habit of daily stretching has gone by the wayside between surgery restrictions and chemo fatigue. My diet has become whatever sounds good to me and whatever doesn't cause my digestive system to rebel. Carbs....lots of carbs. Sugar.....poptarts, peanut M&Ms.

Then there is the endless scrolling. Last night and this morning I find myself semi obsessed with information about the Nashville school shooter. Why? Who was this person? Were there any hints that this person was capable of such a horrific act?

Since cancer my time on social media and mindlessly scrolling has increased. Many times it felt like the only thing I could do. With chemo it was hard to concentrate, so reading was difficult.

During surgery recovery I couldn't physically do much so scrolling on the computer became the thing I did for hours at a time.

It is time. As chemo side effects wind down and radiation is about to begin I have read this is the perfect time to start concentrating on diet and exercise. Radiation's big side effect besides sun burn is tiredness. Tiredness is helped by diet and exercise. NOW is the time to start.

I read something that rang so true with me. The article said that instead of making grandiose plans for changes (which is so typical of me), make a small very doable change. Just start. Do a little bit better than you did yesterday. The examples were really tiny changes like putting lettuce on your sandwich because you goal is to eat more vegetables or running for 1 minute because your goal is to become a runner. This is how I got into my stretching habit. I literally found a routine that took 5-7 minutes to do and decided I could actually commit to 5 minutes! I did it consistently and became much more flexible and dropped 20 pounds over 18 months. It felt so good that I did not want to miss my stretching time.


What does starting small look like today?

diet: the cancer recovery recommendation is to increase protein and add vegetables (fiber).

I bought broccoli, a red pepper, tomatoes and spring mix lettuces. I will try and incorporate those items where ever I can in the menu this week. Yesterday it was a scrambled egg with peppers, ham and cheese.

exercise: I will do some stretching (not the whole 7 minute routine since I am out of shape).

Doom Scrolling: NO computer before bed. Read. This will hopefully solve another problem I have been having which is irregular sleep which leads to getting up and eating cereal! I guess that is three problems (scrolling, sleep and diet).


diet: I added some veggies and made sure I had protein in the morning. It might have been too soon for lettuce in particular because I had several hours of stomach cramping. I will take lettuce out for a couple of weeks since I have read that it can be hard to digest. If that doesn't work I will back off of the veggies a bit also. I am still suffering some intestinal side effects from the last chemo round. At least I know where I am headed diet wise.

exercise: going great! Stretching and doing about half of what I used to do but doing it.

doom scrolling: I have stopped taking the laptop in the bedroom and have gotten back into a good sleeping routine. I am also reading for 30-60 minutes in bed before I sleep.

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