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But What If?

Have you ever learned something so simple you can not believe you never knew it before now? I recently listened to a podcast called "We can do Hard Things" by Glennon Doyle. Her topic was anxiety and panic attacks, both of which I am personally familiar with. Glennon said that anxiety comes when thinking about the "what ifs" of life (future) not the "what is" in life (present). I decided to test this idea out. I wrote down everything I could think of that I was anxious about. Here are just a few.

What if the my house doesn't sell or sells for way under asking price?

What if I am bored with retirement?

What if I am alone in my old age?

What if my guy or myself has to face a health crisis?

Glennon was right. They were all "what ifs". None of this has happened!

I took each of the things I was anxious about, acknowledged it then put it in the present.

House: I have an amazing realtor who has steered me correctly every step of the way. The house has been on the market a week! There is lots of interest. That is the "WHAT IS"!

Boredom: I am not bored. I am selling a house. I am working on the condo. I am reading. I have a list of future things I can't wait to do. That is the "WHAT IS"!

Being alone in old age: I am not alone now. I know how to reach out to people and cultivate relationships. I have so many wonderful people in my life. That is the "WHAT IS" . I don't want to waste time worrying about being alone in the future and not appreciating the people I have in my life right now!

Health scares: What I never could figure out is that when I have had health things like surgery or kidney stones, I was calm. But thinking about possible cancer or heart attacks in the future, I get so anxious. My guy and I are in relatively good health. We both have some things we are controlling with meds but lead active lives. THAT IS the "WHAT IS".

I challenge you to test your anxious thoughts. Are they "what ifs"? If so, acknowledge it and then bring yourself to the "what is". I hope you find it as freeing as I did this week.

Then there is this Bible verse.....tuck that in your pocket to bring peace to a day!

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