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It has been two days without Facebook. I found I also avoided Instagram as well. Here is what I have noticed already.

  • Normally, my guy turns on the news and I scroll online when we drink our morning coffee. Without my scrolling we have had more morning conversation.

  • I removed the shortcuts to Facebook and Insta so if I am tempted to cheat on my Facebook ban I will have to at least work for it.

  • I put in a substitute site that I can scroll if I feel the need. I added a great information site called "Sixty and Me". It has lots of great articles.

  • I have already noticed that I have more time. I have gotten more done both days than is normal for me.

  • I have done more writing on my blog and in my personal journal.

  • I have read longer before bed.

Feelings: I don't miss it so far. I was fearful that I would log into Facebook without thinking about it by mistake. So far I am very vigilant about what I log in to. I will have to face how to fill my time when I am bored and used to fill that time with social media.

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