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Dog Sitting

Last week I got to hang out with two furry guys! My son and daughter in law took their two teenagers on a trip to California. I recently moved into their area so am able to dog sit rather easily. I come and go a couple times during the day to let them out and feed them. Then at night I stay at their house.

I would not call myself a dog lover, I am more of a dog liker. I loved raising my kids with dogs and thought it was really a great thing for them to take care and love on a pet. I appreciate how attached people are to their dogs. I get a big kick out of my grand dogs and enjoy their unique personalities.

I realized this week that I approach dog sitting for the grand dogs much like I would if I were substitute teaching. First I find out what routines the dogs are used to. Things like food (how much and when), letting them out, walking them and what they like to do for fun. Then I try and jazz it up a little, I want them to like "grandma camp". This week was hot so I introduced Otis and Ralph to Ice water in their water bowl. At first Ralph was a little freaked out but once he got used to it, he loved ice water time.

I also learned that Ralph likes to watch TV so I decided since the Olympics were on, that was an activity we could enjoy together. So every evening we have some TV time together. Ralph actually likes certain sports more than others. His favorite so far has been cycling. Little Otis just falls asleep when we put on TV.

Since it was so hot, I put a couple of fans on (no AC except in the bedrooms). I learned Ralph is a huge fan hog!

My kids warned me that unlike easy going Otis, Ralph has a real stubborn streak. I got to finally see it in action. At times he refused to leave me and go outside. My kids have nicknamed him "Velcro Dog". I would have to go outside and stand out there in order for him to do his business and he would wait until he was desperate! What entertained me often was how small and brave Otis was and what a wimp great big Ralph was! It was fun developing my own relationship with the grand dogs!

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