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I Got Covid

I got Covid! I have spent over two years trying hard not to get covid. I even retired from my job earlier than planned to avoid getting covid and ultimately avoid giving it to my high risk partner. I wore a mask and avoided crowded places. I took calculated risk by visiting my kids and grands who tested if they weren't feeling well and I tested before going home to my partner. This worked until last week.

I went to Grand Rapids on a Monday to spend 5 days working on my condo with the help of my Grand kids who were on spring break. I have some spring allergies and I know I have had an allergic reaction to dust. We pulled out carpet and my allergies went into over drive.

Wednesday evening I was feeling pretty awful so I took a rapid test since the grand kids were staying with me and I wanted to protect them. The rapid test was negative. We continued with our plans on Thursday but by Thursday night I had the chills and knew something more was going on. On Friday I went to urgent care in Grand Rapids. They diagnosed me with a sinus infection and said I was on my way to a double ear infection. I have never experienced my head and ears so full of fluid. They said this was definitely NOT covid and did not test me. I believed them. I filled the script from urgent care and started on an antibiotic.

That is when I made the error that I kick myself for. I did not test myself just before leaving and returning to my partner which had been my habit since the beginning of the pandemic. I could not wait to get home. I felt terrible and the antibiotic seemed to be having no effect on my symptoms. By Monday I decided on a whim to go get a PCR lab test at my local Walgreens drive thru. In a day and a half I received my positive covid result. We then tested my partner and he also was positive.

I think the worst part of Covid was the anxiety. My partner has COPD and has been told he is at high risk for covid complications. For precaution we both have received 2 vaccines and a booster. I reacted to the vaccine with fever, chills and aches for 24 hours. My partner had a little fatigue reaction to his vaccines. We informed our doctor (we have the same GP doctor) of our positive covid results. The doctor wanted my partner to take a medication ASAP since it is supposed to be taken within the first 5 days for high risk patients. Unfortunately we were at day 5 and were unable to find a pharmacy that had the medication in stock..

I was sick for about 10 days with sinus headache, runny nose, coughing, chills, low grade fever and fatigue. My partner was a little stuffy and tired. We treated our symptoms with allergy meds, nasal spray, tylenol pm, drinking plenty of water and naps.

This morning (day 13) I tested negative on a rapid test. In 36 hours I will rapid test once more and if that is negative I will allow myself to be near friends and family without a mask. I did run some errands today with a KN95 mask on (to protect others). My partner will test in the next day or two since we believe his infection is a day or two behind me.

For the near future we know that we will have some immunity because we have had it but will keep an eye on the rate of transmission in our area. We will wear masks as our immunity goes down and if rates go up. I will test when I spend time with my family and before returning back to my partner. The only way to know if you truly have covid is to get a PCR test!

Mostly I just feel thankful. Thankful for vaccines. Thankful that this current covid variant is not respiratory in nature. Thankful that my kids and grands did not get covid from me. Thankful that my partner did so well in spite of age and COPD. Thankful that our prayers for healing were answered.

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