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If you know you know

I have become aware of a situation that has always been there but it took experiencing it myself to really notice it. I am talking about mobility and the issues it can come with. During my cancer treatment recovery I developed weakness in my legs, especially my right leg. My hip gives out when I fatigue it. My quads get sore with the smallest amount of exercise. When I complained to one of my cancer medical team, physical therapy was suggested. I have done 7 weeks of therapy and now work out at the therapy gym twice a week for an hour. I am making progress S L O W L Y!

Recently I went to our Grand Rapid's condo to check out the new flooring that was laid. It was beautiful! I was so eager to get rid of the all the dust and really enjoy those floors. I deep cleaned for at least 3 hours. I drove back to Detroit the next day and upon arrival limped out of the car. I took it easy once home for a day and then headed to exercise the next day. Exercise went great, a full hour and all exercises completed including walking over a mile on the treadmill. I walked out to my car with no pain. I decided to stop at the grocery store on my way home. When I stepped out of the car, my hip gave out. I knew I was in trouble.

I am finally getting to the point of my post today. I parked as close as I could get to the door but it felt like miles from the door. My nearest grocery store is huge! Every step I took ached. I got to where the carts are usually stored and there weren't any. I had to go back outside to find a cart. Once I found a cart I used it as my walker. I talked myself out of some items because I didn't want to walk down a long aisle for just one item. Why oh why is the freezer section at the far end of the store and the produce at the other end? Why don't they put the most frequently bought items nearest to the door? I thought about all the people who have to go to the grocery store who have mobility issues. Suddenly I realized the things like parking, carts and layout of the store are so important if you have mobility issues.

I was reminded of an experience I had with one of my students in a wheelchair. He wanted to work on building strength so he could propel his own wheelchair instead of having someone push him. He often ordered lunch to go at a restaurant next door to where our school was located. I offered to be the person to go with him. What an eye opening experience! I never knew how miserable a slight bump or uneven curb could be. When we got to the restaurant, which was very supportive of my students and had even bought a removeable ramp that we could put up, I had to go in and get the ramp and set it up. My student would never be able to go get lunch on his own because of this. Then he had to get a rolling start and try and make it up the ramp. Most of the time I had to catch the wheelchair as he began to slide backwards and finish pushing him up the ramp. The whole ordeal took most of the lunch hour. His food was not hot when he got to his desk to eat. What a price he had to pay just to get himself a lunch!

I got home from the grocery store and Don, seeing my limping, carried in the groceries and put them away. I crawled into bed and slept for an hour. I have been sitting with my leg up most of the evening and I am getting relief. I will take it easy again tomorrow and should be able to go to exercise the next day. My issues are relieved with exercise and rest. My recovery time from over doing activity is less than it used to be. I have hope that I will build strength and not have mobility issues anymore some day but I don't ever want to forget what it is like for others that may have to live with these issues long term.

Mom (Marge De Young) 2017

Grand Daughter, Daughter and Mom 2017

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