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Living Out Loud

I find it so interesting that some of us (me) share our lives in a fairly public (online) way. In my case I blog about life including the nitty gritty. I do have boundaries and things in my life that are personal or would hurt others if I shared them. Some of my people share openly one on one with a trusted friend but would not share online. Some of my people keep things to themselves and rarely open up about personal things.

I don't know why we all have different levels of comfort in what we share. Maybe it is how we grew up? I know in my case my mom was often uncomfortable with how I put myself out there. My dad was a stereotypical male of his generation and did not open up too much, although cried before anyone else in the family during movies. I loved that about him! Maybe I was just rebellious??

Back in the early 2000's my kids introduced me to email. I started writing stories to an email group of friends and family. I was busy with 3 kids and writing email stories was such a wonderful outlet for me. It often helped me clarify what I was thinking. People responded and I found that most things I shared about were common to others also. I did not feel so alone. The best was when I wrote something that helped someone else. It wasn't all sunshine however, I do remember when a friend of my moms asked to be removed from my email list. Turns out she was embarrassed that I had written about breast feeding my babies. I was not offended by that, my stories just weren't for her. My mom however thought I should tone it down so no one would be offended.

Not everyone is going to like what you or I put out there whether it is writing, photography , decor, fashion or cooking. That does not mean it is bad, it just means it might not be for that person. If you enjoy doing the thing (writing, cooking etc.) and you like sharing it with the world...I say go for it. I find the older I get the more I feel this way, life is short!

Read this today....good reminder!

Don’t buy into the pressure to be, act, or appear to be a certain way. That’s a lot of work, and it never feels right. Instead, take the plunge and be MORE of who you are: aligned with your values, comfortable in your own skin, unapologetic about moving into the best version of yourself. You don’t have to be all things for all people - take joy and amusement in being fully yourself…

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