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No Filter

It has become clear to me that breast cancer treatment destroys any personal filter you may have had pretreatment. It starts of course with the whole mammogram, biopsy and lumpectomy thing. I spent a lot of time with my breast hanging out in front of strangers. It that doesn't lower your filter I am not sure what would.

Post chemo days lower your filter to whole new level. Post chemo becomes all about Poop. I warned you. First there is no poop, just backed up, uncomfortable misery. Then a couple of days later there is hard packed poop! It is cause for much celebration. I never thought I would share such details with my partner but it is a BIG deal! Then comes the swing the other way. There is poop, lots of poop. There is eating foods that are "binding" so as not to get to explosive diarrhea (which happened the first round of chemo). I was so concerned about the no poop situation that I over did the fiber and KABAM! Not a pretty sight.

Can you really have a filter when this is what is looking back at you in the mirror....just sayin"?

Don't worry. I will get my filter back but for today you have been warned....I have no filter!

PS Don't judge, yes we still have Christmas up!

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