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Surgery, Selling and Moving...OH MY!

Today both of us needed a nap! It has been a bit chaotic over here. We have begun working with our realtor to sell our Saint Clair Shores condo. Luckily she understood the assignment which is that we need this sale to be as low key as possible. We are not officially putting it on the market until after we move out so we will not have to deal with keeping it staged and clean for showings. We have agreed to some sneak peaks to a few of her clients before 7/15 but not treating them like the "official" showings.

We have booked our movers for 7/15. We have begun the packing of things we don't use on a regular basis (winter clothes, some kitchen items, garage items and storage closet things). We have packed and labeled 19 boxes so far. According to my count down clock online we have 42 more days until we move. So why the rush you may ask?? Because on Tuesday June 4 I am having breast surgery again! This time it is on the noncancerous side and is for cosmetic reasons. It is outpatient but comes with restrictions on what I can do afterwards including no lifting anything over 5 pounds for 4 weeks. That should give us 2 weeks to pack up the rest of our stuff.

On the other end (Grand Rapids), we are continuing with our appliance fiasco. We had ordered appliances from Lowes and after a mess with their delivery,, cancelled the order. We went with a local owned appliance store instead and ordered again. I called today to check on the status of our stove and dishwasher and discovered that they understood we wanted the appliances on 7/15 so hadn't even ordered the dishwasher because those come in quite quickly. Thank goodness I called since our plan is to have the appliances installed by my son Charles BEFORE we move in! Who knew appliances could be so much trouble?

The above is the "facts". Then there is all the other stuff. Don and I pack very differently. He believes that packing is just putting things in boxes....any box....everything organization. I don't mind packing but I don't love unpacking so I need to declutter and only move what we actually want in the new location. Moving is a wonderful excuse to lighten my load. I label what is in each box and label which new room it goes in. We learned that if I pack the boxes and Don stacks them, packages the items for donation and takes out trash we make a great team!

We have to both work on letting go but in different ways. One of us needs to work on letting others handle things and not try and "help" them or questions what they are doing. We have hired a realtor and movers and we need to trust that they know their jobs and will do their jobs. One of us needs reminders now and then that we hired a realtor and movers so we wouldn't have to handle so much. One of us also wants to play out every possible future scenario and be prepared for it. (That works great in law enforcement but not so great with surgery and moving) The other of us needs to let go of things like listing inexpensive items (I am looking at you flipflops) on Facebook Marketplace because it is not worth the time and effort right now. One of us also has to let go of perfection. One of us gets a nice vision in her head of the perfect organized move and tends to hang on to it like a dog with a bone!

What a privilege to be able to move. What an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and our relationship. What a gift to be alive! What a ride!

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