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I am in the waiting room again. My house is on the market and I just accepted my 4th offer. The other 3 fell thru for various flimsy reasons. It seems people are jumping at putting in offers for fear of losing the house and then they think it through, have an inspection and grab any little thing as an excuse to get out of the deal.

I am waiting to really dive into condo updating until the house is sold. I have a half finished office just sitting there waiting for me.

I am waiting to be able to travel again. Between the house and Covid precautions travel has been on hold. I do however visit the kids in Grand Rapids.

I am waiting to adjust to retirement. My new normal routine hasn't quite been figured out yet. I am trying some things out.

I am waiting for grieving to be less of a struggle. My job ended so sadly. Covid robbed me of in person contact with my students and staff. Covid made me not feel safe when I did get to see the students. But worse than that people involved in my job let me down. It was a bitter ending to an amazing 10 year program.

I am grieving the loss of my mom who died in February. I still have the urge to call her and talk things over.

When I picture waiting rooms, I picture hospital waiting rooms. Some of those pictures in my mind's eye are tense and stressful like waiting for Calvin's heart surgery. Other times they are pleasant like mom's hip replacement. We knew she was going to be alright. We gathered as a family, ate snacks, went to the gift shop, drank coffee, prayed, read books and had fun together.

I want to make this season of waiting more like the above photos. I want to be with people I love. Eat snacks. Go shopping. Pray. Read good books. Laugh.

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